Monday, September 15, 2008

No power=a very perturbed Jenny

After a very zealous windstorm in Central Ohio last evening, Chad and I (and MANY others) are without power. It's been 24 hours and it could possibly be up to 2 more days. There's a shortage of ice everywhere and electrical outlets. Although I got today off school, it has NOT been worth it. I never realized how much I appreciated my stove, hair dryer, and lights. This sucks.


Andy said...

How are you blogging with no electricity? A pedal-powered modem?

Kristin said...



Jenn said...

3 days without power...and counting. I'm getting crazier with each day. According to the news, we may not get power until Sunday at midnight. Hopefully it's earlier. Chad and I are literally the houseguests that never leave Lauren and Mark's electricity ridden household.(hence the bloggin)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lauren and Mark! We do have electricity but we also have a hole in our roof and tree all over our yard from the tree that fell on our house during the storm.


Kristin said...

Your blog is such a sad little blog.