Thursday, April 17, 2008

Amish Rakefighters

Spring is here! With the good weather, also comes the softball season. Our softball season consists of some softball, then lots of pizza and beer afterward (sometimes before, too). Hopefully, our team is a bit better this year. This is my fourth season as a rakefighter so I'm excited.

Chad and I have almost completed our shopping for all of our backpacking essentials. We now have the packs, tent, sleeping bags, and other stuff Chad says we need. Soon, we'll have to try out our new stuff, since the weather is cooperating.

Also, knowing that spring is here, makes me think about summer right around the corner!

I'm still not used to this blog thing...


Kristin said...

And summer means more time to visit Chicago!!!!

Actually, some sad news. Andy and I just counted out his vacation days for the year, and with Keith's wedding on a Thursday, we won't be able to make our trip to Columbus this year unless Andy doesn't come home with me for Christmas...

Don't cry. I'll still probably come, but I won't have Milo or Andy with me. (If you're even thinking, "Why bother, then?" you are SO not my favorite sister anymore.)

Jenn said...

That stinks about Andy's vacation time. I'll probably be sick of him anyway after our Denver vacation together, so I'll need a break from him. JK. :)